
The fishhook is one of the most prevalent symbols used in Maori carving. It is a talisman for prosperity and strength. It is also a good design for anyone with an affinity for water and is often given as a mark of friendship and respect. 


The Manaia is usually represented by a bird form form. It is regarded as a design reflecting spiritual guardianship and the flight of the soul trough life. 

Ocean and Earth

This group of designs captures those pieces built around connection to Moana (the ocean) and Papatuanuku (Mother Earth). 


Over the years we have created a number of custom designs. Each piece is developed after a process of consultation where we work out what the client is trying to capture. I then blend the elements together that encapsulate that idea. Each design is unique and a genuine one-off design. These designs become a family taonga given the very specific nature of each piece. 


Represented by a curling leaf, or the bud of a fern, the koru is a symbol for growth, peace and the search for knowledge. This design is one the most prevalent forms in Maori art and is often incorporated into other designs.